We went to the beach house for Labor Day with the Cohens and Mom & Dad and had a great time as usual. Hurricane Earl was threatening the coast and we were, at one point, thinking they might evacuate the beaches but it turned out to be a joke! We had one day of slightly overcast skies and sprinkles but the rest of the weekend was gorgeous!
Quick update because I'm so freeeekin proud- Bode has been pretty much potty trained for a month now! He had one accident at the beach when he had diarrhea, but hey- even some adults don't make it to the potty in time hahaha. He has been dry at night for over 2 weeks and on occasion will wake up in the middle of the night having to pee- we couldn't be more proud of him!! When we were at the beach for our vacation, he pooped and peed on the potty all week and got about 24 new trucks- then we got home and he started going in his pullups again :( we realized he wasn't motivated by the trucks anymore, so we stopped doing that and instead showed him how cool big boy underwear was- he loved that he could pick out a theme each day and just one day it clicked.... he was in underwear and telling us every time he had to go. He even did an amazine job at daycare!!! We are so proud that he is 2 1/2 and potty trained, what a big boy we have!
so... the beach:
Kailani's favorite way to sleep- face down haha

This picture turned out neat- the water completely comes up to the dunes so the beach was actually closed anyway this day that Earl was supposed to hit

Kissy time

Our big girl in her mermaid bathing suit!!! Speaking of big girl- Kailani already has one tooth through on the bottom and one more quickly moving through the gums! It has been tough because she is getting up in the middle of the night in pain and has been pretty fussy lately- Bode was not like that with teeth, but he was also 2 months older when he got his first tooth! Plus, she is a girl and is already a drama queen..... we already knew that LOL

pretty girl!

his favorites- the motorcycles!

This was the first time we brought out the boogie board and Bode had a great time riding it!

Feeding the princess!
Sunday, my Dad rented a paddleboard for the day and showed me and MIchael what he learned in Maui- how fun!!! It was still a bit windy so it was hard to paddle and a GREAT workout, but so relaxing and fun!!


my handsome little boy being silly at breakfast

Kailani already playing with the boys' trucks!

Mom & Dad brought Poi to the beach for the kids to try- Aaron was first:
he didn't mind it at all and actually went back for more!
Bode's turn:
not a big fan
MIchael got to try it too!
and Kailani didn't really care haha
Bode pointing out that Kailani has a flower on her shirt

almost at the stadium
National Anthem

the kids then picked something out in the store before heading home! They had a great time, we are so glad my parents got the tickets so we could take them!
Mason sleeping on Bode's Philly Phanatic

Trying to eat her Sophie doll!

pretty girl---- with drool and puke all over her ha!

hahaha Bode LOVES Toy Story and is so proud of his new underwear!
Bode helping me give Kailani a bath

Such a great big brother!

This was the first time we brought out the boogie board and Bode had a great time riding it!


Bode's turn:

Now to switch directions:
my parents got tickets to the Phillies/Marlins game and weren't able to go because they were still at the beach the week after Labor Day- so we took the tickets and brought Mason & Matthew, who have never been to a Phillies game but are big fans! We totally surprised them- I just showed up after school to pick them up and asked them to get together for a picture and then right before I took it, told them where they were going!!!!

Kailani, beautiful Kailani- we have the cutest freakin kids, we are so fortunate!
She is going to be 4 months old..... already! That's crazy talk but true.... and she is doing so well! She rolls over, 'talks' and yells allll the time, and loves playing with toys, putting anything she can in her mouth!
Playing with Bode's Hess truck ha she doesn't care what she plays with

Trying to eat her Sophie doll!

hahaha Bode LOVES Toy Story and is so proud of his new underwear!

Such a great big brother!
Michael and I are doing well to- not just the kids LOL
I am so proud of MIchael- he got an awesome raise at work and they are so happy with him and basically told him when he got back from our beach vacation that they don't ever want him going away again.... guess things kinda fall apart without him there! He is so incredibly busy which is good, but it's hard to tell what to do first sometimes. We are proud of him and he continues to be an amazing Daddy and husband. Hunting season starts usually first weekend in October, but he got a license for another area and is now starting 2 weeks early- OH JOY haha JK. I Just hope he sees something this year to make it worthwhile! His softball season ended so it's really nice having him home during the week but now I started soccer- only playing one day a week on Sunday nights! I played in a women's league before and after I had Bode then obviously stopped when I was pregnant with Kailani- it feels so great to be back again playing.... I really love playing so much especially in this environment where all the women are there to just have fun and stay in shape! Our team is not that great, but we got out and try hard and 2 weeks ago, i had our only goal and this past week, i had our only 2 goals! I'm hoping my parents might be able to come out and see one of my early games, they haven't seen me play soccer in YEARS!!!!!
We met a new couple and really enjoy hanging out with them- their kids go to Bode's daycare and their kids (Cooper & Crosby) are almost exactly the same age as Bode & Kailani so it is perfect doing things with them! They came to our house for the pig roast and then we went to a PSU party at their house and just really enjoy both of them and Bode and Cooper get along great! We will hopefully do more with them in the fall with the kids. The Dad played football at Penn State so he and Michael have a ton in common and really get along also- fall brings so many fun outdoor activities, we can't wait!! Sara renewed her membership at the Please Touch Museum and instead of signing Alex up on her membership, she signed me up so we now have a membership for the year- what a freakin thoughtful sister huh!! We get in free along with up to 6 people, that's pretty fantastic, thanks again sis! We can't wait to take Bode to the one in Lancaster!
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