Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fall fun

Today we went to the Country Barn in Lancaster- a neat farm with lots of fun activities for kids! They have tractors, animals, a 5-acre corn maze, and lots more!

Here is Bode practicing for the corn maze in the hay maze

Today is Kailani's 4 month birthday- what a big girl!!

What fun event wouldn't have a bouncy bounce!

They also had a mining area with this giant slide that went partly underground- with goats climbing all around the outside- very neat!!

they also had a bunny farm and this little bunny took a liking to Bode- Bode was feeding him blades of grass- so cute

Kailani practicing her Heisman

Bode's favorite part of the day- climbing on the giant tractor!

saaad looking piggy

getting ready for the corn maze- we forgot Kailani's hat, so we improvised with Bode's haha

we let Bode lead the first part of the corn maze and realized we never got a map and this corn maze is HUUUGE so we kinda got lost which was a big scary

halfway through, there was a tower and we could climb and see just how far we were lol

We made it out just in time to ride some tractor dune buggies!

We had a great day and although Bode was really tired and kinda miserable at the end, he had fun and we all survived!!

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