Wednesday morning, Michael and I woke up like any other day..... except this day, we were having a baby haha- weird feeling! He went to work since they weren't starting the induction until noon and my Mom came up to take me to the hospital to get things started. By the time they took me back and got me set up, it was almost 2pm. The one nurse blew two veins in my hand trying to do my IV so once they finally got the pitocin going, my doctor came in to check me around 3pm. I was a little over 3 cm dilated so she broke my water! I didn't know she was going to do that, so I immediately called Michael to leave work, not knowing how long it would take me!
Once Michael got to the hospital, I got my epidural and they had to do it twice but finally got things going around 5pm and at that point, I was at 5cm dilated and in a lot of pain! I still cant imagine having a child without the epidural... My parents, Michael's parents, and our sisters were in and out of the room, waiting- my doctor kept saying she thought this pregnancy would go quickly and it seemed to take me forever to dilate. Jamie was having Bode over for a sleepover, so she had to leave with him around 9:30 and right after that is when things started to happen..... at 10pm, my doctor checked me and said I was at 8cm.... then while checking me, I had a contraction so I pushed a little and she said 'oh you are at 10 now and ready to push'.... our parents scrambled to get their things and get out of the room and everyone was so excited. 14 minutes later, after 3.5 pushes, our beautiful baby girl was born!
I had just gotten my epidural ha!
Once Michael got to the hospital, I got my epidural and they had to do it twice but finally got things going around 5pm and at that point, I was at 5cm dilated and in a lot of pain! I still cant imagine having a child without the epidural... My parents, Michael's parents, and our sisters were in and out of the room, waiting- my doctor kept saying she thought this pregnancy would go quickly and it seemed to take me forever to dilate. Jamie was having Bode over for a sleepover, so she had to leave with him around 9:30 and right after that is when things started to happen..... at 10pm, my doctor checked me and said I was at 8cm.... then while checking me, I had a contraction so I pushed a little and she said 'oh you are at 10 now and ready to push'.... our parents scrambled to get their things and get out of the room and everyone was so excited. 14 minutes later, after 3.5 pushes, our beautiful baby girl was born!
I had just gotten my epidural ha!

Welcome to the world Kailani Reece Madara! She came out so quickly, she wasn't crying at first- I got kinda worried because Bode was screaming the minute he popped out! They rubbed her back and she eventually cried but she had some mucus in her throat from coming out so fast.

She was 8lbs 8oz and 21 inches long- 2 oz more than Bode- I'm sure if she would have come on her due date like Bode, they would have been the same size b/c he was 21 in. long too!

telling everyone her name with a blanket was fun- we knew because of how different her name was, just telling them her name would require us to spell it so we had a blanket made. Kailani is Hawaiian obviously and it means 'sea & sky'. We wanted a name that had something to do with the ocean, since the rest of us have our names connected with the sea somehow. We did like Leilani which means heavenly flower, but when we read Kailani, we immediately loved it... and Michael had picked Reece as his favorite name so we knew that was the middle name and it just flowed nicely!

Aunt Sara- she made the trip from the city and got to the hospital around 8 or 9 and was able to meet her before having to head back to the city and get home around 1:30am!

Aunt Jamie left work early on Thursday and brought Bode in to see his new sister- he loooves her........ so far haha

When Bode got to my room, he took a look at my belly and then at the baby and came over and lifted up my shirt- he wanted to see my belly.... when he saw it was not huge anymore, he asked to lay on me!! too cute

I can't believe how much she looked like Bode! She has blue eyes though, like Michael, which is gorgeous. Bode had black eyes when he was born and hers are definitely light... doesn't mean they will stay that way, but I hope- dark hair with blue eyes is so adorable

Kailani is just wonderful. She reminds me so much of Bode- but with lighter hair and chubbier cheeks haha. We got discharged from the hospital on Friday around 2 and brought the family home. Bode did so well- he kept asking to hold her and after a minute, was done... and then wanted to hold her again and kiss her. So far, he is doing well with her and seems to be curious!
Our first night went well- Kailani went to bed around 10 and was up to eat at 1:30 and 5:30- she is just too precious and we are so thankful for such a healthy family. We are so lucky to have such a supportive family to help us out with Koa and Bode and everything else we needed help with. I can't wait to show her off even more as we take more pictures!!
1 comment:
She is so precious. Erin was a quick delivery and didn't cry much at first either (although Trey did, I thought it might mean she would be quiet in general but that hasn't been the case so far!
Did they bath her in your room? How did she like her first bath? She looks like she is enjoying it :)
Did you have a couch in your room? How did you get that?
Has Bode wanted to help feed her yet? Or change a diaper :)
Enjoy her, she will grow fast!
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