I'm trying hard to keep up with the Blog and Facebook, since I know so many people rely on these social sites for updates!! We are home and things are going well so far! I don't remember if I put this in my previous post, but I had issues with my epidural at the hospital.... I had to get 2 epidurals before having Kailani... we aren't sure if the first one didn't work or what- but the anesthesiologist had to stick me twice. Then Thursday morning I woke up with the most horrendous headache I have ever had- i could barely even hold my own head upright.... and when I laid down the headache went away! The doctor quickly realized I had what is called a 'spinal headache'- apparently, sometimes when doing an epidural, doctors can puncture the 'dura' and CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) can slowly leak out.... therefore the fluid drains from around the brain causing a terrible headache. Doctors still aren't sure why the lack of the fluid causes the headaches, but it does! They did what is called a 'blood patch'... they do another epidural and draw blood from my arm, inserting it into the dura creating a type of patch so the fluid stops leaking. I felt fine thursday afternoon and going home on Friday- then Saturday overnight while feeding Kailani, I started to get a headache again :( It got worse Saturday, even though I literally laid on my back and did nothing all day! sunday morning, I was in tears.... the headache was back and worse than before! Michael and I went back to the hospital on Sunday and my parents came out to watch the kids- they were coming over anyway to cook dinner for us and see the kids, but it turned out to be perfect so we could run to the hospital for yet another blood patch- yep, that's right... my 4th epidural :( It scared me to think about getting another one- just the idea of them messing around in my back like that scares me, but the headache was unbearable! The Anesthesiologist said that sometimes people need 2 patches because their blood doesn't clot quickly or sometimes people do too much right after the patch and the blood breaks up, causing the leak to trickle through- so I had my 2nd one done Sunday and am doing well today- Tuesday. I'm still taking it easy, terribly afraid of that headache coming back, but am trying to unpack from the hospital and just catch up with being home after not doing anything here for a week!
My Mom stopped by on Saturday before working at the shop in Lititz- and gave Kailani her first piece of real bling- a sterling silver bracelet!!
Kailani was wiped out after her first sponge bath at home!!!
My Mom stopped by on Saturday before working at the shop in Lititz- and gave Kailani her first piece of real bling- a sterling silver bracelet!!

she looks so much like Bode, but still seems to have blueish-gray eyes. We thought Bode was a little darker than her when he was born, but after looking at Bode's baby pictures, he was about the same color... he just got tan very quickly LOL

the proud big brother! He loves holding her but it only lasts for a minute or so... then he's done and wants to hold her again 10 minutes later haha

Aunt Sara came with the boys on Sunday for dinner and playing and it was so much fun! She had a blast putting Kailani in adorable clothes!!

Bode has been doing well so far- every once in awhile if we are holding or feeding the baby, he tries to get our attention and especially around nap time, can get antsy and find something to get him into trouble- but I can't complain, he loves to help and is really a great kid!!
Helping fold laundry

We were going for a walk on Monday and Bode was trying to 'fix' Kailani's car seat.. not sure what was wrong but he was determined

Michael has been an absolute savior with my headaches and back spasms lately. He is always a huge help and an amazing Daddy, but he just goes above and beyond his duties and is such a natural. I'm so excited to go to the beach this weekend and just hope and pray that my headache doesn't return! I can't wait to see Bode at the beach this weekend- this is going to be such a fun summer for him!!! Kailani won't get beach time, but it will be her first mini-cation and first trip to Dewey! I will make sure to take LOTS of photos!!
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