Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Update on BGM

Well, we still aren't a family of 4.......... yet! I was due on Monday and I went in for my appointment- I was still only 2cm dilated and the doctor did the best she could to strip my membranes, but couldn't do much because I'm not dilated a lot. I am scheduled to be induced Wednesday, the 19th at noon!!
I went to work Monday and had really strong contractions every 10-12 minutes all day..... literally all day- midnight they suddenly stopped :( this is the story of the last 2 weeks of this pregnancy- it's been such an emotional roller coaster and it's almost over, we are so excited!

I will do my best to update the blog from the hospital with photos and the baby's name, I know most people are anxious for that haha!!

Tonight surprisingly we went to Bode's swim lesson- they were as surprised to see us as we were to be there- we should have had a baby by now. Bode tried diving for the first time and for his first time and being 2, he did great!

these are for you, Tutu Makua!

1 comment:

Gampa said...

C'mon Siggy, stiff as a board...