Sorry it's been so long since I have posted anything- my blogger was acting up and of course, we were busy- broken record I know! So I got a sinus infection about 2-3 weeks ago and still have it, thus infecting the rest of my family. Michael is now sick and I just took Bode to the pediatrician this morning and he has one too.... He has been sick for about 2 weeks now off and on and finally I took him in to get answers and his nose was infected :( Poor boy, I feel terrible for giving him my sickness- now that the weather is nicer, we can open the windows and air our house out!!!!!!!
We are still doing swim lessons every week- Bode's swim instructor loves teaching him and the two other boys and Bode is having a blast! Last week, he hung onto a noodle and kicked the entire length of the pool, how exciting!! It's funny because we used to call him Michael Phelps when he was a baby because of how giant his feet were.... how ironic! There is a Bode in the winter Olympics... who knows, maybe someday there will be a Bode in the summer Olympics haha
Last weekend we had some gorgeous weather and although we were busy, we found time to play outside of course! Here is Bode trying out Matthew's old roller blades. He wasn't very fond of them, but I told him he had to at least try it out. We'll see if he wants to get them on again haha

So we are counting down the weeks until our little wahine arrives! It still, surprisingly, doesn't feel real to me yet..... although I am reminded every second with this belly that a baby is on the way. I even re-folded her clothes this past weekend and just kinda sat in her room but it still hasn't hit me yet. Maybe once I wash her clothes, but I don't think it will hit me until she is here... kinda like Bode. I am getting excited though, a friend of mine had her baby last week and another friend is due in about 3 weeks, so seeing their babies means me getting closer and closer!
So here is a look back at my belly- oh how I miss you
8 weeks pregnant
and now.... 32.5 weeks pregnant!
holy cow, I think it might be bigger than with Bode
the human body amazes me sometimes!
Michael started playing flag football in a league- YAYYYYYYYYYY I love watching him play, however I couldnt make his first game last week because we had an appraiser come out. He had a great time and could barely walk on Sunday but I can't wait to take Bode to his games! Michael and Scott have been working so hard on the upstairs bathroom and wow does it look phenomenal! The tiling in the shower is almost done, I can't wait to post a picture!!
So I mentioned that we had an appraiser come to the house- we aren't selling, don't worry.... we want to enjoy the work we have done on the house for a little while!!!! We are re-financing and got a great deal on interest rates that we couldn't pass up! With the things we have fixed up on the house, we are hoping the appraisal comes in high, but I kinda have my doubts because the comps in our neighborhood are horrible!!!! I'm so nervous and the report is expected to be complete by Wednesday or Thursday of this week!!!! YIKES, I'll keep you posted! I just hope the house is worth more than what we bought it for and the work we have put in so we will see if this is all worth it!
So I mentioned that we had an appraiser come to the house- we aren't selling, don't worry.... we want to enjoy the work we have done on the house for a little while!!!! We are re-financing and got a great deal on interest rates that we couldn't pass up! With the things we have fixed up on the house, we are hoping the appraisal comes in high, but I kinda have my doubts because the comps in our neighborhood are horrible!!!! I'm so nervous and the report is expected to be complete by Wednesday or Thursday of this week!!!! YIKES, I'll keep you posted! I just hope the house is worth more than what we bought it for and the work we have put in so we will see if this is all worth it!
Besides being sick, Bode is doing great- now that's it's nice out we can never get him inside! Even in the rain, he cries that he wants to play outside... and even told me he could wear his snowpants and play in the rain... too cute! He continues to crack us up with things he says and is doing great with the potty! He still consistently goes pee on the potty and hasn't shown interest in pooping yet, although he tells us when he poops in his diaper most times- that's a start I guess! I'm sure it will be awhile, but at least he is starting before BGM arrives!
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