Friday night, Bode got a touch of a 24-hour stomach bug.... he was up pretty much all night saying he was done sleeping and it wasn't until about 1am that we realized it was an upset stomach. Saturday morning, Bode seemed to be feeling better, but still had some diarrhea.... but he went poop on the potty that morning, luckily!!! We had a birthday party to go to at BounceU and Bode seemed to be feeling better, although on the way to New Jersey, he had a naaaasty diaper so we had to stop and change him- I had a run-in with some scary people but eventually we made it to the party!
Aaron ready to tackle the day
Aaron ready to tackle the day

Bode seems to be recovered from his stomach bug and had a great time at the party. Saturday night, he felt better and slept through the night without having to go potty. Sunday, unfortunately, it rained all day so Michael's football game was canceled- he starting playing in a flag football league and Sunday was supposed to be the first game. We ran some errands and Michael did some work on the bathroom, and we played with Bode. He keeps saying that he wants to help feed sissy and hold her- I can't wait to see how he is when she arrives!
I'm feeling great still, just getting more and more uncomfortable- the baby is extremely active, more so than Bode which kinda scares me haha! Bode loves feeling her move around and we are starting to get ready for her arrival!
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