We are leaving for Disney World in less than 48 hours so I need to post my recent pictures before I become too far behind and give up on this blogging! Not my intent at all!!! Christmas- what a whirlwind it was this year.... with me starting my new job and working weekends for Mom still, there was little time do anything! I am lucky I got all of my Christmas shopping done, a lot of it was online this year given the circumstances! Bode was so fun this year- he was really into Santa and even sat on his lap to tell him what he wanted. Kailani of course doesn't get the Santa aspect, but she is just so cute and such a good baby - she kinda goes with the flow.... what a different child from 6 months ago! It's hard to believe she is 7 months old already! She has started scooting/crawling for toys- not officially up and running crawling but she is getting there for sure.
Bode loved helping with the tree this year and he really was a great help. Kailani was supervising!

Bode loved helping with the tree this year and he really was a great help. Kailani was supervising!

Christmas morning was great! I made waffles and Bode slept til 9am!!! We actually had to go upstairs to wake him at 9:15 so we had enough time to open presents and get to the next house haha

his big gift- the Leapster Explorer.... he calls it his DS (which is what the older kids play- Nintendo)

Kailani had a great time watching Bode open his gifts and she got to rip a few pieces of paper off too

Every year our Christmas mess gets worse and worse- I have a feeling it's not going to get any better any time soon!

the day after Christmas we go to Nana's house and do christmas with Scott's side of the family- here is Kailani surrounded by her cousins!

This year my parents had a New Year's Eve party- the kids were well behaved and went to bed at a decent time and even slept in a bit!!
Kailani wanted to snooze before the party started

So Mom and Dad are taking us to Disney World- we leave Friday morning and get back the following Saturday night- I cannot wait, however we are not taking Kailani so I'm a little sad! We decided that because she is so young, it would be much easier leaving her home so she and Koa will be at Joni's all week- Joni does so much for us, we are so incredibly thankful!! I haven't left her for more than a weekend, so I'm not sure how this will go over but I am also looking forward to spending quality time with Bode- I'm sure we will all be fine, I will just need to see pictures of her!
As I mentioned earlier, Kailani is such a good baby now- she will just sit for a long period of time and play, doesnt really fuss unless she pooped or is hungry..... what a difference! I still think about how she used to act and how hard it was to deal with! We are absolutely having a blast with both kids- Bode is at the age now where he says the funniest things and is so curious about everything, even if he doesn't get it!
Sunday night while playing in my last scheduled soccer game, i got hurt a few times actually. First half i got a hard kick in the arch of my foot that set me out for about 5 minutes. I could barely put weight on it and thought I had broken something, but we didn't have subs so I went back in.... about 10 minutes into the second half, i got kicked right in the face!! I went to head the ball and the defender did a high kick and her cleat hit me right in the eye.... so i went down hard and when my teammates saw my eye, they sent me out! i put ice on my face and on my way home, my eye closed up, swelled shut, and started burning. I drove myself to the ER to find out i had a deep muscle contusion on my foot, laceration and contusion on my eyelid, and a scratched cornea..... i got home around 4am Monday- slept for 3 hours, went to work.... and haven't caught up yet! I'm feeling much better but have had so much to do. A few months back, I got injured in another game- this time my wrist. I was leaning up against the wall to get the ball away from someone and got slammed into the wall- the doctor said I tore cartilage in my wrist... the TFCC... I had an MRI last night to see how bad the damage is and I have an appointment tomorrow with the Orthopedic doctor to see if I need surgery. I'm telling you, I'm slowly falling apart- I will be happy to see 30 if I make it that far!!!
We are so excited for Disney World, I cannot wait to see Bode's face all week as he does new things and sees the magic and wonder of Disney!!!!!!!!
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