I have not gotten a new camera, but my wonderful sister lent me her older camera for the time being- what an amazing sis! We have been busy as usual..... not gonna really bore you with ALL of the details, but we are alive and are doing well
Kailani being super cute
Kailani being super cute

Halloween was super fun once again! We decided to dust off the old 'tacky tourist' costumes this year and we were a 'huge' hit!

my brother in law, matt, was richard simmons- HILARIOUS!!!! Here I am sandwiched between richard simmons and an amish woman!

We were able to do Halloween with Mike's parents as well as my parents, luckily they had trick or treatiing on different nights. here are the boys helping to carve a pumpkin! My amazing Dad carved a special pumpkin with a mean face for Bode (requested) and even managed to carve Thomas the train into Charlie's pumpkin.... what a Gampa!

We have been really busy as usual- Michael just finished hunting season, so every weekend he was away pretty much hunting.

About 2 weeks ago, we took Bode to see Toy Story 3 on Ice with his friend Cooper.... he loooved it and it was so much fun!

Bode and Kailani are rolling the ball to each other, she loves it and gets sooo excited!

Kailani is such a big girl!! She goes for her 6 month checkup next week, i can't wait to see what they think and how big she is!

We had our friends Jim and Wendi over Sunday afternoon- they have Cooper who is Bode's age and Crosby who is exactly 1 month younger than Kailani- the kids all go to daycare together too!!
Crosby and Kailani

So Kailani now sits up on her own.... she gets a little wobbly but does a great job. She is ready to just GO.... she is constantly trying to lunge and crawl or walk. She isn't doing too much as far as crawling, she kinda scoots but does really well standing up and balancing already! She LOOOVES her jumper, just like her brother! She goes crazy in it and squeals and screams. She absolutely loves Bode and gets the biggest smile on her face when she sees him or hears his voice and he is such an amazing big brother. He is super helpful and absolutely loves her, we are so lucky to have such great kids!
Things have settled down a bit for now- the holidays are coming up and I absolutely LOVE this time of year!! This coming weekend is my girls shopping trip to our beach house and Michael is helping Sara finish her hardwood flooring on the first floor of their house.
My new job is going great- it's suuuuper busy and tons of responsibility but it's going great! Michael is still doing really well at his job.... he will be taking over the shop soon and is really busy and still loving it! We are absolutely enjoying the kids and having so much fun! It seems like Bode was a baby so long ago, I forget how it feels to see her learn something new every week and it makes Bode so excited! We are truly blessed to have such an incredible family!!
Things have settled down a bit for now- the holidays are coming up and I absolutely LOVE this time of year!! This coming weekend is my girls shopping trip to our beach house and Michael is helping Sara finish her hardwood flooring on the first floor of their house.
My new job is going great- it's suuuuper busy and tons of responsibility but it's going great! Michael is still doing really well at his job.... he will be taking over the shop soon and is really busy and still loving it! We are absolutely enjoying the kids and having so much fun! It seems like Bode was a baby so long ago, I forget how it feels to see her learn something new every week and it makes Bode so excited! We are truly blessed to have such an incredible family!!
Wellllll helloooooo cuzins so I finally got email and wanted to look at your blog.sooooo awsome!good to hear you n mike n the kids r doin good im happy for you guys.im stayin busy goin on two yrs with my girlfriend so maybe a ring next yr if she can put up with me and my wright side for the rest of her life lol.so my email is irishtwinky@gmail.com love the pics and I love n miss you guys. Hope to c you soon hugs n kisses guys keep in touch k PEACE!
you're kids are SOOO cute!!! XO
Aww! Super cute pictures of the adorable party. Went for a birthday party of my son's friend at one of the stunning event locations near our place. Liked the decorations and DIY invitations prepared by his mom single handed. Cricketer cake design was unique and pizzas ordered were yummy.
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