Saturday night we went to Joni's house for dinner and night time sledding with the kids- Bode isn't usually fond of the snow, but he LOVED it!!!
the sledding hill

Getting ready to sled with his cousins!

Sunday during the day, Michael and Bode played outside and surprisingly, Bode loved it

Starting on Saturday, Bode has been sleeping in his new room all by himself and loving it so far! We had him nice and tired from sledding all weekend and then we had a super bowl party sunday night, so he was wiped out and loves to crash in his big boy bed. He talks about his surfing room and says 'i like my surf room mommy'. It makes me so sad to think about him sleeping upstairs on a whole different floor. It's like he is officially a toddler now and is getting older- very sad, but I'm so proud of what he has become already at 2 years old!

Now that he's upstairs by himself, it makes having another baby feel more real- up until now, his stuff has been in the nursery room and now it's pretty empty and it feels more real that there is a #2 coming..... it just hasn't hit me that it's a girl yet- I think because I was used to not knowing with Bode, but I'm sure it will hit me when I start putting her clothes away and her 10 pairs of shoes!!!
We started swimming lessons for Bode again- if you rewind a few months back, we had him in swimming lessons and he got an ear infection.... but what we didn't know is that his ear drum had ruptured and because we didn't know, we kept him in swimming and it got worse! We were hoping he wasn't prone to ear infections of swimmer's ear- so far we have been in lessons for 2 weeks and things seem good so far.
Here he is blowing bubbles with Daddy

Bode has improved so much in just the 2 weeks of swimming- he is getting more used to going to Dave (who he used to scream about and never go to) and actually kicks his legs and can blow bubbles. When he jumps off the platform to swim to the wall, he used to just sink and now he just needs a few boosts to the surface, but he kicks and kinda swims!
I could talk about how proud we are of Bode forever, but he is just too smart and funny! He is getting better at colors, can say the entire alphabet without skipping a beat, count to 14, and knows almost a dozen songs. He learns a song at daycare, and can recite it for us usually after a day or two of singing it- it just amazes us! He seems to be more and more thoughtful lately too which is super cute- when we get home from daycare, he asks where some of the other kids are- 'are they at home Mommy, do they eat dinner Mommy'..... and the other day Michael was in the snow laying down and he walked over and said 'are you okay Daddy'- oh and now when I am talking, instead of interrupting me he will say 'you done talking Mommy, ok my turn'.... ughhh I just can't get enough of him!!! We are so proud of him and how smart he is and he's only almost 2- his birthday is coming up and he will tell you 'I have a birthday in February and I'm 2'... ok ok that's all the bragging for now- we are loving every minute of him and can't believe how big he is getting!
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