We have been enjoying our family time, now that I'm not working 7 days a week/ 10 hours a day..... This was the first weekend we actually didnt really have plans and it felt great! We got a lot done and besides Bode starting to really get into his terrible 2's, we had a great weekend.
Singing to the baby the other day!
Singing to the baby the other day!

Bode likes to throw Koa's toys at him.... but this time he got a hold of his bone- not a good thing to throw!!!!!!

New Year's Eve was fun, but I was very tired. I meant to take a nap during the day, but ended up going to the gym, shoveling snow, and playing out in the snow with Bode all day.... needless to say, I was kinda dreading staying up til midnight but I made it!
We went to dinner at Sympsium, stopped at the Hostetter's house, visited with the Foltz family, then came back to the Sympsium to hear a great band play.
Met up with Kristi

Friday we went to Aunt Cathy's house for Pork and Sauerkraut and then headed to my parents' house so Michael could go hunting Saturday morning- Charlie and Aaron had already been there for a few days while Sara worked and Alex was at a wedding in Vegas.
Saturday morning the boys took over Tutus bed!

The rest of our weekend was spent playing with Bode and enjoying being home
Michael and Bode cutting his play food for his new kitchen- thanks Tutu & Gampa!

For the time being, the kitchen is downstairs- until Bode's bedroom and playroom are done. Scott spent most of the day Saturday painting and Bode's room is done and ready for carpet!!! I'm saving the pictures until carpet is in and its done, but it's gorgeous!!!!! We just need to install the drywall in the new playroom, paint, add moulding, etc. and we are ready for carpet. Next will be installing the hardwood floors in the hallway and bathroom upstairs. I cannot tell you how anxious I am to get this upstairs done for Bode. I think he is kinda getting the new baby concept now that we have clothes and stuff and I want him to feel like a big boy and proud that he has his own room with big boy bed. Plus, all of the toys from Christmas need a nice, big home!

Today Bode was especially challenging. He wore us out, as well as himself! While I was cooking dinner, he fell asleep watching football with Michael- that is unheard of!!! He was obviously pooped!

I think the combination of bode sensing a 'sister' or whatever he thinks is coming mixed with the beginning of terrible 2's has made life tough- he is constantly whining for things, hitting Koa, etc. It's tough for us because he was always such a good boy so we are trying to ignore fits and let him throw his tantrums and get through this the best we can!
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! We are so thankful for the wonderful 2009 that we had and eagerly look forward to the beautiful things we hope 2010 will bring!
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