Disney World was so much fun, I wish we could go back every year! We got back into the swing of things, which included Kailani having yet another ear infection! She has been on antibiotics pretty much since the beginning of November and they seem to help her but not quite get rid of the infection. Two days after we got back from Disney, she finished her antibiotic and got the runny nose, cough symptoms so we took her in and the pediatrician recommended tubes cause she had another double infection.
Here she is sleeping the night before surgery! Such a sweet little wahine

We took Kaia to the ENT that Michael has seen for years- he does a lot of pediatric tubes and was highly recommended which worked out great! He scheduled the surgery for this past Wednesday (2/2) and the day finally arrived. i was anxious to say the least. Nervous for the surgery but excited to help our little girl hopefully be comfortable for awhile. The surgery is just like everyone told me- very quick.
Here she is in her scrubs :)

By the time I got to the waiting room, got coffee and we to the bathroom, the doctor came out to say he was done. Because she was on antibiotics so much, the fluid behind her eardrum wasn't infected and her ear looked good- she barely bled at all. I went back to hold her while she woke up and when her pulse-ox level finally got high enough, we were able to go home. She was a little fussy that day but who wouldn't be! She hasn't had any drainage from either ear and seems to be in good spirits now!!
Here she is just after surgery

Let's see- other doctor appointments........... oh yeah thats what we have been busy doing! I don't remember if I posted about a recent soccer game I had (a few days before we left for Disney) where I was kicked in the face and ended up in the ER. Anyway, that's what happened and I had a scratched cornea, several contusions, small laceration under my left eye, and a sprained foot. As if that wasn't painful enough, I found out last week that I also cracked two teeth :( I had some work done on that side of my mouth the week before i got kicked and when my mouth started hurting in Disney, i just assumed it was nerve pain from the work he did.... but when I got home, i tried running outside when it was really cold one night and i couldn't even breathe through my mouth because the coldness hurt so badly! I was in so much pain and came home from running with a horrible headache that kept me up most of the night. The next morning I called the dentist, he brought me in for X-rays and found out I cracked 2 teeth when I got kicked! Greaaaaaaat... so he filled in the cracks with some medical putty stuff and gave me a temporary filling. 6 weeks later i will go back to make sure things are healing and get a permanent filling, hopefully no need for a root canal!
Here is a recent shot of Bode & Kailani rocking our alma mater :)

I have gotten my mileage up in running which I'm super happy about. I was stuck at 3 miles for a while partly because i didn't have a lot of time to increase mileage or spend more time running. I HATE working out or doing anything in the evenings because i rarely get to see the kids anyway. Once i pick them up from daycare, bring them home, eat dinner.... it's bath time and almost bed time. I typically do the gym from 5-6am because Michael leaves for work around 6:15 so i need to be back home while the kids sleep. i usually ran 3 miles or so and then worked out with machines, weights, etc. Lately I have skipped the weights to increase mileage and I'm right around 5 miles. I love the increase, however it's hard to sacrifice my time doing weights... maybe one of these days i'll find a happy middle. I'm seriously considering doing a half marathon in May with a friend of mine but just don't know if I have the time to devote to training. Spring is a very busy time for us and I just don't know.... but I need to decide soon haha!
Here is Bode with some of his buddies at daycare
Rylan, Bode, Alex, Diana, Cooper
Here she is sleeping the night before surgery! Such a sweet little wahine

We took Kaia to the ENT that Michael has seen for years- he does a lot of pediatric tubes and was highly recommended which worked out great! He scheduled the surgery for this past Wednesday (2/2) and the day finally arrived. i was anxious to say the least. Nervous for the surgery but excited to help our little girl hopefully be comfortable for awhile. The surgery is just like everyone told me- very quick.
Here she is in her scrubs :)

By the time I got to the waiting room, got coffee and we to the bathroom, the doctor came out to say he was done. Because she was on antibiotics so much, the fluid behind her eardrum wasn't infected and her ear looked good- she barely bled at all. I went back to hold her while she woke up and when her pulse-ox level finally got high enough, we were able to go home. She was a little fussy that day but who wouldn't be! She hasn't had any drainage from either ear and seems to be in good spirits now!!
Here she is just after surgery

Let's see- other doctor appointments........... oh yeah thats what we have been busy doing! I don't remember if I posted about a recent soccer game I had (a few days before we left for Disney) where I was kicked in the face and ended up in the ER. Anyway, that's what happened and I had a scratched cornea, several contusions, small laceration under my left eye, and a sprained foot. As if that wasn't painful enough, I found out last week that I also cracked two teeth :( I had some work done on that side of my mouth the week before i got kicked and when my mouth started hurting in Disney, i just assumed it was nerve pain from the work he did.... but when I got home, i tried running outside when it was really cold one night and i couldn't even breathe through my mouth because the coldness hurt so badly! I was in so much pain and came home from running with a horrible headache that kept me up most of the night. The next morning I called the dentist, he brought me in for X-rays and found out I cracked 2 teeth when I got kicked! Greaaaaaaat... so he filled in the cracks with some medical putty stuff and gave me a temporary filling. 6 weeks later i will go back to make sure things are healing and get a permanent filling, hopefully no need for a root canal!
Here is a recent shot of Bode & Kailani rocking our alma mater :)

I have gotten my mileage up in running which I'm super happy about. I was stuck at 3 miles for a while partly because i didn't have a lot of time to increase mileage or spend more time running. I HATE working out or doing anything in the evenings because i rarely get to see the kids anyway. Once i pick them up from daycare, bring them home, eat dinner.... it's bath time and almost bed time. I typically do the gym from 5-6am because Michael leaves for work around 6:15 so i need to be back home while the kids sleep. i usually ran 3 miles or so and then worked out with machines, weights, etc. Lately I have skipped the weights to increase mileage and I'm right around 5 miles. I love the increase, however it's hard to sacrifice my time doing weights... maybe one of these days i'll find a happy middle. I'm seriously considering doing a half marathon in May with a friend of mine but just don't know if I have the time to devote to training. Spring is a very busy time for us and I just don't know.... but I need to decide soon haha!
Here is Bode with some of his buddies at daycare
Rylan, Bode, Alex, Diana, Cooper

Work is still going great- we are super busy with spring items coming in and gearing up for some big sale weekends. This Spring we are starting to carry a small line of apparel and footwear which is exciting!! Michael's job is getting SUPER busy- he was recently appointed as shop scheduler and is moving into a role with a lot more to do and a lot of responsibility. He is still doing his engineering/project managing work and now has the added duty of managing the entire shop! Needless to say, he has been busy and stressed- add to that the fact that he's never managed a shop or done scheduling!! I'm so proud of him :) :) He and his Dad have also been doing some work for Alex's brother's family (Sam & Kim)- installing new hardwood floors in their downstairs, then working on some other projects for them (steps and upstairs). He and his Dad love doing this for people and it's a great way to get some extra money for these medical bills we have accumulated. Michael recently found out that his company increased their insurance deductible and got rid of our $3,000 benefits card that we would use towards our deductible.... so we were forced to shop elsewhere! Unfortunately now Michael needs 4 new tires for his truck to pass inspection so the weekend projects will have to go to that first.... when it rains it pours sometimes I guess!
I'm looking forward to this weekend- tonight is a concert with Sara & Alex in Philly and then Saturday Sara and I are getting tattoos then spending the day at Mom & Dad's for Alex's birthday dinner. Sunday we will head home and have a few friends over for the Super Bowl.
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