Today was Kailani's one month checkup and she did great! She weighs 9lbs 15oz and is 23 1/2 inches long! she is in the 97th percentile for length and 75th for weight... she is a little longer than Bode so far, but pretty much right on where he was. Bode, on the other hand, did not have a good checkup today. He developed a rash yesterday and when we got to the doctor, it was clear that he had Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease, AKA- Coxsackie Virus. He has a rash on his hands and feet and had a fever at some point and it's contagious.... so we are very careful with him around Kailani! He has started acting out, which could be terrible 2's or possibly lashing out in response to Kailani getting tons of attention (she isn't exactly a calm, easy baby). Our evenings pretty much consist of kailani crying and us trying to soothe her, so I feel terrible for Bode... he probably sees us holding her all the time and is now trying to get that attention back! He was really bad at school on Monday- hitting and kicking, throwing toys, etc. He was fine on Tuesday and is ok today, but he hasn't been feeling well and is 2 haha not a good combination!!
Our beautiful kiddos!

We are in the process of expanding our retail business in Lititz- VERY exciting!! We are taking over space downtown that is about 3 times the size of our current store so this weekend and all next week, we will be very busy packing and moving a few doors up! Michael has been busy playing softball and football- he has softball games twice a week and his football season just ended but he continues to fish as much as possible. I got back into running after my follow-up appointment and am up to 3 miles now- slowly haha. Michael and I are tentatively running a 5K on July 18th in Philadelphia.... we are both trying to get in shape for that so we'll see how that goes!! We are also planning a cruise for our 5 year anniversary next fall- we are soooooooooooo excited for that. Michael has never been on a cruise and I'm sure this won't be our last one!!
What a cutie! Wearing Daddy's tube-fishing flippers!

Our beautiful kiddos!

What a cutie! Wearing Daddy's tube-fishing flippers!

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