Friday, May 7, 2010

Hanging in there

Sorry, no adorable pictures of Bode to post right now, but I'm sure I will have some from this weekend- just an update on BGM. One of the beautiful things about this blog is venting!!! I'm frustrated right now and am just waiting and hanging in there.
This pregnancy has been awesome!! I have only gained 30 lbs. and I gained about 60 with Bode and am still working out almost every day, feeling great, etc. I'm not miserable like I was at the end with Bode.... just super anxious to meet BGM. Monday night around 2am I started having contractions- about every 7 minutes apart! That lasted until about 3:30 and I finally called my Dr. She said wait til they are unbearable and I can't talk through them, then come in! My Mom got to my house around 7am and by 8am, my contractions had stopped!!!!! Mom and I walked around Lititz all day, shopping and hanging out.... then we went for a walk around the block.... still nothing! Wednesday I decided to do nothing- no walking, no working out, maybe giving the baby a rest would allow her to come out... no dice! Every night since Monday I have had little- no sleep and had contractions all night- nothing regular, but they keep getting stronger and lasting longer.
My appointment this morning was very frustrating- I have not progressed at all... meaning I'm still only dilated to 1cm and my cervix hasn't thinned at all, I could have sworn all those sleepless nights filled with contractions would have done something to get things moving! NOT YET apparently.. At this point, I'm just so tired of not sleeping and am sure that we're in it for the long haul now. I think I'll probably have her on my Grandma's birthday- next Sunday May 16th. Seeing as how I went into labor on my due date with Bode, I have a feeling that might happen this time. My doctor said at my next appointment (Wednesday) they will check me again. If I have progressed at all at that point, they will schedule an induction.... but they won't do anything now because if they try to induce me and I'm not ready, I'll have to have an unnecessary C-Section- NO FUN! I have such a terrible feeling that I'm going to go past my due date this time.... as long as I don't have her Memorial Day weekend- that is my first weekend at the beach and I'm looking forward to every second of it!!!!
I'm trying to not be too upset and frustrated because I obviously don't want her coming early if she's not ready, but I just want to meet her and start being a family of 4- I could have sworn my body would be progressing after all of these days of contractions!! Monday night I swore I was going to have her and got so excited. I think I got my hopes up that she would come early and now have been shot down. She will probably wait til the last minute like Bode did haha- that's what we get for keeping something a secret about our kids!
So Michael is still going turkey hunting tonight at the cabin- he's not too far from home. I will just call him if I start having contractions regularly for an hour or so..... at this point, if I have contractions for 2 hours, I dont care if they are super strong or not- I'm going in hahaha..... I doubt at 39 weeks pregnant they will send me home at that point!!!
I will continue to post progress and updates on the blog for those not on facebook and just keep your fingers crossed that our sweet baby enters the world safe and sound.... and soon haha!

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