Let me try to re-cap the happenings because it was busy and seems like a blur at times.....
so Thursday night I started bleeding and called my doc who told me to come into the hospital- by the time I got there, I was having contractions every 2-3 minutes! they let me rest for awhile to see if they would subside but no go- they kept going so they put me on Terbutaline, which relaxes the uterus. An hour later, I was contraction-free and sent home at 3am! Poor Michael was at home while Bode slept, waiting for my phone calls anxiously- what a good sport! Since I was only about 34 weeks pregnant, they obviously didn't want the baby to come yet- if it were 2 weeks from now it might be different, but I dont want BGM coming at least until 38 weeks, just to be safe- we'll see what plans she has! Since thursday, I haven't had steady contractions again- just some here and there throughout the day but nothing major. I worked out yesterday, which the doctor said was okay as long as I wasn't still bleeding, and I had a great workout and no contractions!!
Friday we all had off of work- YAYYYYYYYYYY we had a follow-up dr. appt in the morning for me and all checked out ok- plus the dr. got to see Bode and she hasn't seen him since she delivered him- that was so neat! We spent most of the day running errands- Babies R Us for bottles, taking Bode to see the Easter Bunny (not surprisingly he freaked out- I don't blame him... where do they get these people?!??), Michael got his fishing license, Bode got his hair cut and then went home for a nap while Michael worked on the bathroom and I got a pedicure with Andrea and jamie- what a FABULOUS day!!!

Again, not surprising, Bode was not a fan of cylo at all- and Cylo is hysterical!!!

Thanks to Erin giving us one of Nadia's eggs, Bode got 1.... a whopping 1- there were really too many kids and not enough eggs!!!!

We got home from the ballpark and Bode and I decorated Easter Eggs while Michael was fishing- it was opening day!!!! Bode had a great time decorating eggs and didn't make nearly the mess that he did last year!!

Koa enjoying this beautiful weather also!

Bode and I then walked to the playground at the elementary school down the street and he had a blast of course! He looooves wearing sunglasses and says he's a 'cool dude' haha

'hanging out'- his strength amazes me... he can hang for so long!!

The Easter Bunny was very generous to Bode this year... while he is still an only child haha! He got a new bicycle!!

it was so cute seeing his face- he was so excited

We have to help him pedal because he doesn't quite get that concept, but he is already getting better!!

Fixing the bike- he looks like such a little hoodlum here!!

Sunday morning we continued playing outside with the new bike and waited for the rest of the Bode family to arrive so the kids could find eggs! When Charlie arrived, he and Bode were off to collect eggs while Aaron napped and Sara took some maternity photos for me!!!!!

Gampa holding Aaron.... and then Aaron peed out on Gampa! Happy Easter Gampa

Charlie's face cracks me up!!!

We had a wonderful brunch at the Eden Resort (where I used to work).... it's by far my favorite place for brunch... they have about a dozen + stations set up with everything from eggs and pancakes to salmon, steak tips with mashed potatos, and grilled cinnamon rolls!!!!!!!!!!! It's the best!!

After brunch

From brunch, we were off to Mount Joy to see the Madara family (well technically the Hoffmaster side of the family)!
Here are Nanny's Grandkids ready to open their Easter gifts from Nanny & Pap
Bode was super excited... he got a bubble mower!!!
sidewalk chalk, and a squirt gun for the pool this summer like the big kids!
the kids took a dip in the hot tub, thinking it was cool... but it wasn't really that cool haha!
Bode was a great sport all day- he didn't go down for a nap and really didn't have a lot of meltdowns, we just can't get him to come in from playing. He wants to constantly be outside, which is good, but it is tiring!! We had such a great weekend and are so blessed to have such wonderful families to spend time with!
These are cute pictures from Bode playing outside on Monday- I was cooking dinner and looked out the window and he was golfing... he actually had pretty good form and was hitting the ball too haha!
Such a ham!!! I don't know why, but this is the new face he makes when you tell him to smile- lovely!
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