We have been busy, sorry it has been so long since I have updated anything! Our weeks fly by with swimming lessons, work, house renovations, chasing after a 2 year old outside (weather has been spectacular lately), and anything else you can add into our week!
Bode and I were slow dancing!!!
Bode and I were slow dancing!!!

Bode and Michael were quiet the other day in the playroom and when i came in, i found out why- they were working hard building a bird house.... so cute!

Bode is sometimes replaced by a mini-monster who throws fits and cries over everything.... usually it's right around nap or bedtime and this past weekend he has been sick and has gotten his 2-year molars... not a good combination! He was exhausted to say the least and minutes after putting him to bed, we checked on him and thought he had gotten out of bed... but nope, he was buried under the covers! sleepy boy!

It's a good thing he's cute because when the monster takes over his body, he still melts my heart- sometimes!

Charlie and Bode ready to go in

Bode loved it and danced and jumped around a lot of the time. I made a deal with Michael, we'll see how long it lasts.... I took Bode to this show and he can take our daughter to her first boy-band concert!!

Charlie was gracious enough to share his binoculars, Bode loved that! He didn't realy get it so when he looked through them, he yelled really loud 'HI ELMO' like Elmo was right next to him! so cute

So other than being busy, we have been tired. I am going through my second sinus infection this year- yeah already! I'm 30 weeks pregnant this week and am really starting to feel it ha! I'm still working out which gets me through my weeks- it makes me feel great and I feel like I'm in better shape than with Bode. I had my checkup last week and I have gained 22 lbs. so far and BGM is measuring normal and everything looks great! We decided to get a blanket engraved with her name on it, to surprise everyone in the hospital and announce her name! I ordered the blanket last week and can't believe someone out there knows her name!!!! I made her swear her life to secrecy, knowing my Mom would probably try to call!
Michael has been suuuuuper busy at work- he has taken on sooo much responsibility and is loving what he does still, but it's a big adjustment from his old job where he just kinda sat in an office programming. He is going to be taking over scheduling the shop at his work, he is working on other prototype parts, fixing old programs, doing his current job, and doing a lot of problem solving. I am so proud of him and he is working so hard! Fishing season is fast approaching and Michael can't wait- right after that comes turkey season, let's just hope Michael isn't too far away when BGM decides to join us! The weather has been so nice the past few days and it is torture trying to get Bode to come inside for dinner- it will be nice when there is more light in the day!
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