I just love spending time with family!!! That's part of what Thanksgiving is about and it's always so nice to see everyone. I always try to think about what I am thankful for every day and I love holidays like this because people are forced to think about what they are thankful for when they typically might not do that. Michael and I certainly have a ton to be thankful for all the time but especially this year!!
Wednesday night Michael and I headed to Mount Joy for the night- Michael's cousin Justin is moving back to San Diego and he was having a bit of a goodbye party at the bar. the night before Thanksgiving is always known as THE NIGHT to go out since everyone is around for the holiday and this year was no exception..... at least Michael didn't get too hammered and miss Thanksgiving like he did last year!
Joni watched Bode while we went out and had a greeaaaat time.... we saw so many people that we haven't seen in years and for some reason thought we could drink like we did in college.. HA! What were we all thinking?? We got home around 1:30 ish and woke up around 7am. Micheal and Scott headed to our house to finish the bathroom floor and finish installing the vanity (it looks amazing by the way) and I went running. We went to Cathy's house for Thanksgiving around 12 and ate at 1pm (in Mount Joy, that's called dinner, not lunch). We then just hung around enjoying family and football until eating leftovers around 5pm (that's called supper). Michael and I had to scoot out and we were off to Chester County for another Thanksgiving. Michael used to just love that when we were dating- 2 Thanksgiving meals!!!!!
Friday I got up early and went to work while Michael worked on my Mom's new closet! I worked until about 2 and came home to run.... I had the most amazing run- one of those days where you feel like you could run forever..... it was awesome- must have been all the turkey protein!
We had our Thanksgiving dinner wiht my family around 4pm and had a TURDUCKEN- it's a chicken, stuffed in a duck, stuffed in a turkey. It comes from Louisiana and they prep it for you and season it.... it kinda looked like mystery meat because of the variety of colors but it was FANTASTICOOOOOOOO!!!! Michael and I had to run to Lowe's for a hot second to get stain and I thought I would look at the tile they have there. We have been pricing out tile for our basement and it's been fairly reasonable, but with over 700 sq. ft. to tile, we weren't sure how we were going to do it!! Well much to my surprise, I found tile there for 68 cents/sq. ft. OH MY GOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH We were soooooooooooooooo excited!!! So now we can get the tile and start working on the basement after Christmas!!!
We came back and watched a movie with the family- Casino Royale- the James Bond movie... it was really good and the guy who plays James Bond is really hot hahaha. Michael and I want to see the new one now that is out, but I heard it wasn't as good as the first one. Saturday I went to work again. I met Joni and Aunt Hope there along with about 6 other workers and we got down to business. We are making good headway on the 500 baskets that need to go out this week..... i think we have about 100 more to do! Michael left for the mountains... this week is the opening week of rifle season and let's all hope that MIchael gets a deer.... please! The poor guy goes hunting religiously, watches hunting shows, reads hunting books.... and the deer are never anywhere to be seen :( It's supposed to snow so hopefully the deer will be out frolicking in it!!!!
Saturday after work my Mom and I went to Home Goods, which is a new store they opened out here.... it's part of Marshalls, but is all furniture and home decorating things marked down... they have amazing prices- super cheap, but super cute stuff!!! I got a few things, but will be back when our basment is finished for sure!
Sunday I'm working again with the ladies until about 2ish and then who knows what. I hope to finish my Christmas shopping, which is almost done- I just have the kids to shop for!
Bode was everywhere at my parents' house- running behind his walker, climbing steps (yeah, he can do that now like a champ), and into everything as usual!

My poor sister.... she worked on Thanksgiving and was planning on going home Friday morning (she works nights in the NICU) and sleeping before coming to my parent's house. She parked her car right in front of the hospital in Philly and came out to find her car had been broken into and her cell phone as well as her $150 RL sunglasses gone..... there were finger prints on everything, but the police couldn't lift them off of anything because it was too cold :(
Who in their right mind would break into someone's car on Thanksgiving....
that is just pathetic!
Pooooor Koa. I did this because Michael wasn't home and he would have killed me hahaha- he will flip when he sees this blog post! My Mom bought these for the dogs.. but Koa's was just a tiny bit too small so he won't have to put it on ever again- just this one time!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and I hope everyone is truly thankful for what they have been given in life!
1 comment:
I love dogs. I have four myself...I noticed you have a few yourself...our dogs allow us to live in their house...and sleep in their bed...ha ha
Your puppy babies are adorable.
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