We stayed at Joni & Scott's house after our Halloween party since they live in Mount Joy and we were right there and Sunday we got to spend time with The Denlinger Family !!! I cannot believe how big Carter and Olivia are getting!! They recently celebrated their 6 month birthday and they are cuter than ever. They are so close to scooting and crawling and Olivia kept making these adorable cooing noises... and Carter man laughed the whole time! Bode did well and wasn't too rough, except for the time he almost crawled over Olivia! And luckily Carter wasn't sitting in his activity seat when Bode shook it like the mad man he is....
Here is Livy- she is such a little peanut. She weighs 12 lbs and she is so precious

We went home Sunday and while the boys in the house slept, I went running, went grocery shopping, and made some things for the boys' birthday party. We headed back into Mount Joy Sunday night for Mason and Matthew's birthday party! I wonder if our neighbors notice how busy we are because we always seem to just come and go all the time......
Aunt Cathy about to cut her amazing creations once again. Mason had a bumble bee transformer cake and Matthew got a Jeff Gordon one

Bode was SOOO pooped after that long weekend- Michael and I still just go in and stare at him while he sleeps... and laugh because most of the time he's snoring hahaha
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