The phrase 'stop to smell the roses' takes on a whole new meaning in my life.... my Grandma LOVED roses. She had the most amazing rose garden at her house in Southern California- as soon as you walked outside, the smell of roses overwhelmed you- it was just beautiful. Roses are so beautiful and so is Gram. I miss her a lot... I think about her every day, especially when Bode does something cute. I just think about her cracking up looking down on him. Every time I see a rose, I stop to take a huge sniff- I close my eyes and I see Gram- it's awesome because she is buried in California and I have no way of 'visiting' her when I need to talk.
Our new house had a few rose bushes out front that were horribly dead. When we looked at the house I was excited that we had roses, but quickly realized the roses were dead because no one had taken care of them in 8 months. The weekend we moved into the house, I was floored when I got out of the car to see a rose blooming, right in front of our window!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have to tell you why that rose is blooming and it smells so beautiful!!

The house is pretty much unpacked- as far as the first floor. Here is an updated picture of our bedroom with the blinds and comforter. It is such a nice, warm room- it reminds me of a tropical getaway!!

Here is a picture of our living room- we FINALLY got our blinds in- for the short time we were there, we had a sheet hanging in the window (GHEETTTTO) because the sun beams in the living room and gets SOO hot!

The kitchen is unpacked and we have our cooktop installed and it's fabulous to be able to cook again!!!
Bode is just the best thing ever- we are so obsessed with him and it's amazing to see him learn new things almost every day. He now stands up like a champ and usually lets go to only hang on with one arm- more and more he is letting go completely and balancing for a few seconds before falling

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