I can't believe it's been a whole week since I have posted anything. It really sucks not having the internet at the house :( There are not a lot of options for internet providers in our new town and the ones that do provide internet make you sign up for phone service (land line) as well and we don't need one. We are going to consider it though because we miss our internet!!
So as usual we have been busy. Fall for the Madara family is always the busiest. Michael started hunting last week, so he is gone just about every Friday night into Saturday. He sometimes stays overnight at the cabin, but this year we have something going on every weekend so he comes home after hunting. So far he has seen some deer but hasn't gotten any good shots- at least he is seeing some- that's more than he can say for most of last year!
Our little man is busier than ever! He is letting go for longer periods of time now and is starting to eat more solids. His 4th tooth is about to pop through and we cannot believe he is already 7 1/2 months old!! Time really does fly, it's crazy. Here he is wrestling with Daddy when he got home from hunting!
So as usual we have been busy. Fall for the Madara family is always the busiest. Michael started hunting last week, so he is gone just about every Friday night into Saturday. He sometimes stays overnight at the cabin, but this year we have something going on every weekend so he comes home after hunting. So far he has seen some deer but hasn't gotten any good shots- at least he is seeing some- that's more than he can say for most of last year!
Our little man is busier than ever! He is letting go for longer periods of time now and is starting to eat more solids. His 4th tooth is about to pop through and we cannot believe he is already 7 1/2 months old!! Time really does fly, it's crazy. Here he is wrestling with Daddy when he got home from hunting!

Last Friday we had some people over to see our new house and catch up. Bode had fun seeing everyone and playing with Joe & Courtney's little man Trey

Thursday night I met my Sister in King of Prussia and she took Bode for the night. They took him to the Break the Fast dinner and watched him on Friday while Mom and I had the Exton Chamber of Commerce 2008 Expo. It was a great success and Bode had a wonderful time at Sara's house! Kristi met me in Downingtown on Friday and we were off to the city for the Visionwalk on Saturday. This was the second year for the Foundation Fighting Blindness' Visionwalk and there were so many more people this year, it was really nice to see how this event it growing. Last year they raised roughly $85,000 and this year they are up to $130,000!!!!!!!!! Thank you everyone who contributed, it is so much appreciated!!! There was one team that raised almost $75,000 themselves.... that's crazy money! Bode was really good and seemed to love all of the music and kids everywhere.
His t-shirt was a little big, but I think it made him look like such a little toddler!

I was a little worried when I saw "Swoop"- the Eagles mascot, but Bode loved him. He was trying to pull his feathers out, but actually laughed and smiled at him!

Another big event was meeting Vince Papale!!!! The movie Invincible was a Disney movie about Vince Papale- a bartender from Philadelphia who ended up playing for the Eagles! My Mom golfed with him at a charity event held by Ron Jaworski and it was so funny meeting up with him again- he is also speaking at the Exton Chamber dinner in November- we just can't get enough of Vince! Turns out Vince's neighbors are involved with the foundation fighting blindness and Vince and his wife quickly became active with the foundation. He is such a nice man and his story is so inspiring! Bode chilled out and just went with the flow!!

Hanging out with Charlie in the wagon before the walk started

Wiped out by the end of the walk- Kristi and I ran most of it which put Bode to sleep, even though the trail was kinda bumpy!

After the Visionwalk I came home to see Michael and we got ready to go to Makayla's birthday party..... first we had a stop to make at our friends' house- AJ and Michael have been friends since college- they played football together and have kept in touch through the years. AJ and Sue had a baby a few months after we did- his name is Brady. We haven't had a chance to see all of them and Michael's other friend from college was in town to see AJ so we went there to see everyone!! Rick and Jen live in Souderton, so we don't get a chance to see them often at all- in fact, we haven't seen them since our wedding!!!!!!!!!! That's just crazy, but it was sooooooo good to see them!
Here they are with Bode
We were then on our way to Makayla's 4th birthday party!!!!!!!!!!!! Good food, good friends, fun presents for Makayla- it was a great time!
Here are Makayla's disciples hahaha- they were all so excited for her to start opening gifts!
Here are Makayla's disciples hahaha- they were all so excited for her to start opening gifts!

Here is one of the outfits we got her- a pretty dress for school! She got clothes and LOTS of Hannah Montana stuff!

And she got Barbies!!! I can't believe they are back in! I wish I would have saved mine

Sunday we had a suprise 80th birthday drop-in party for Nana and we got to see a lot of family members! She was surprised and we all had a great time.
Here is Bode with Nana
Here is Bode with Nana

1 comment:
Hello Madaras!!! Bode is just growing!!! I can't believe he has 4 teeth!! Definately looks like you guys have been busy! I definately cannot wait to see your new house as well as all of you!!! Glad to hear everything is going great for you!!
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