We had a very fun and busy weekend! Bode is doing well but he is getting his top front teeth so he has been a little fussy lately. He is crawling everywhere and pulls himself up onto his feet now. He actually started to take a few steps while hanging onto his table!

Bode's room is all done. Friday night we moved a bunch of boxes and furniture down and Michael and Jamie put the crib together while Joni and I put our bed together. Tonight I put Bode's bedding together- for those Moms out there that have older kids, it is so much harder putting sheets and a bumper on when the crib is at its lowest level!! We don't have a choice with Bode standing now! Tonight I also unpacked a lot of our kitchen!! We are 'starting' to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Saturday night we went to Etters, Pa to visit my great Uncle Norman who is in town from Hawaii. He is my Dad's uncle and I haven't seen him since my wedding. He looks so much like my Grandpa and I haven't seen them since my wedding either. Being with Uncle Norman made me miss my Tutus!!! Norman is staying with his friends, Patti and Tosh who live in a gorgeous house overlooking the river and the airport! Here are some fun pictures
Hangin out with Uncle Norman

This house was 2 doors down from Patti & Tosh. It's a $4.5 million house with a helicopter pad! It's gorgeous, as were all of the houses on their street. I was in my glory of course with Patti & Tosh's house!

Learning Hawaiian!

Sunday morning I took Bode for a jog and then we went to Hershey Park with the rest of the Madara clan! It's an annual event, we get tickets every year for Christmas from the McAdoo family and usually go in summer. This time we waited for school to start and it wasn't nearly as crowded- although it was the hottest stinking day EVERRRRR! We took Bode's shorts/top off because he sweats so bad and he chilled out in a diaper most of the day- oh well, it was Africa hot Sunday!!
This is the Convoy which was one of the only kid rides that didn't say 'No Hand Held Infants'.... so I brought him along and before the ride started, the stupid lady said he has to be able to walk to ride the Convoy- I put up a huge fight and she said she wouldn't start the ride unless we got off..... I looked into the eyes of the other kids and couldn't continue the argument. We got off after much fussing!

Oh my gosh just seeing this picture makes me think about how hot it was!!!

1 comment:
i see you have a thumb sucker. o well. great pictures of the house. im glad you like your bedroom. love aunt judy
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