Ohana means Family in Hawaiian.... that was the theme of our weekend- being down at the beach with the whole family and friends is so fantastic, as always! Mom and Dad always go above and beyond to make everyone comfortable and have a great time- thanks again for everything this weekend, especially dinner at Big Fish!!!
We had a much-needed fun and relaxing Labor Day weekend. We left early from work on Friday and didn't hit much traffic at all going down to Dewey. Bode slept part of the way and was old enough to be able to entertain himself in the car. We got to the beach and Sara, Alex, & Charlie were there with their dog, Sidney and Mom, Dad, and Code were there. We just hung out and drank Friday night. Nic and Lisa came down for the night and hung out with us- their rental didn't start until Saturday, so they got a head start on the holiday weekend with us!
Bode had so much fun playing with Charlie. He is crawling like crazy and pulling himself up to his knees (almost to his feet already) and is able to do so much more every day! Charlie was very good about sharing his toys... including his truck!
Bode had so much fun playing with Charlie. He is crawling like crazy and pulling himself up to his knees (almost to his feet already) and is able to do so much more every day! Charlie was very good about sharing his toys... including his truck!

Saturday we went to the beach and Bode LOVED it! He loved the sand and crumbled it in his fingers and toes (what a mess) and crawled all over the blanket playing with his toys. We also brought his pack n play to the beach and he was able to sit in that all day and play without us chasing him everywhere

Hanging out with Daddy on the beach

Splashing in the water!


It doesn't get much cuter than this!

Aunt Sara and Uncle Alex took Bode with them to breakfast at the Starboard while Daddy went fishing and Mommy went for a long run! Bode had fun- thanks again guys!!!

Saturday night we went to the boardwalk so Charlie could enjoy the rides.... Next summer will be so fun with Bode! I went on the helicopters with Charlie and Bode had fun looking at the rides and all of the lights from Funland!

We always bust on Sara for how dark Bode is and how much fairer Charlie's skin is- Casper and Brownie are my nicknames for the boys when they are together like this

Bode had plenty of flirting time with Jamie and Carly! Jamie's Mom, Suzie, is a good friend of our family and they stayed with us for the weekend. The Lubin family came for the day on Sunday and Carole, Peter, and Carly had a great time on the beach and yummy steaks on the grille for dinner. Bode absolutely loved the girls and they gave him so much attention!

Monday morning the Bode family got pictures taken on the beach. Sara got a super fancy camera for her birthday and we put it to good use!! She has the family pictures that I can post later this week, but here are some 'getting ready' pictures!
Sara and I wore Pink, Charlie and Bode wore light blue, Mom & Dad wore white, and Michael and Alex wore green.... the pictures turned out so nicely!!

When we got home Monday, Michael napped with Bode while I cleaned my car and went running. We then went to a picnic and Jere & Cathy's house.... Bode does this all the time in his car seat! We aren't sure why, but it's cute hahaha

Koa was such a good boy at the beach this weekend- he loves running around with other dogs on the sand while Michael goes surf fishing! And he loves being at Nanny's because he is allowed to lay on her couch..... not at our house!!!!!!!!! He will be sad to leave when we move home

The guys are making good progress on the house. Our master bedroom is almost done- Bode's room is completely done, and Scott is starting the hardwood floors on Friday! Michael and I will continue to install that on Saturday while Scott goes golfing and then I can finish the kitchen and rest of the downstairs paint while they continue flooring!! We are just patiently (well, Michael is patient) waiting for Home Depot to get our carpet in so our bedroom and Bode's room can be done and furniture can go in! For those of you who don't know, I tend to get crazy with paint colors and designing..... our last house had a bathroom with bright green and pink stripes!!! You needed sunglasses to pee! Anyway, our master bedroom was a huge 'what if' for me. I had the idea, picked colors, and it's verrrryyyyy different- it looks so good and I can't wait until the carpet is in. I ordered blinds and a new comforter that are coming in tomorrow.... some people like the idea and others are kinda on the fence about what it will look like... stay tuned, hopefully it wont be too long now!
Poor Bode has been sleeping in a pack n play for the past 3 weeks :( He will either be really excited to have his crib back or not be able to sleep in it.... we'll have to see!!
Hopefully everyone had a nice weekend. It's getting hot here again in PA and I'm not liking it! I was seriously loving the chilly mornings and comfortable non-humid days!!! I am so ready for fall.... and then skiing in the winter!! Michael and I were just talking about how excited we are to ski because last year I was really pregnant and we couldn't go :(
All the pictures are great. But the one of Bode in his car seat with his arms up is really cool. Kelly was entertaining Blaine one day in the car and got him to copy her by raising his arms. In turn she joyfully said roller coaster to which Blaine laughed. About a week later Kelly was no more in the car and Blaine called out. When Kelly turned his arms were up! He had remembered and was ready to play along.
Looks like you had a fun time at the beach! Bode looks really cute in his jeans and long sleeve shirt! Hope you all are doing well! ~Ravin
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